
About me

I was born 1985 in Argentina and moved with my family to Italy at the age of 18. When I was around 15 years old my passion for gym training started and ever since I’ve been inspired to continue with body sculpting and natural bodybuilding. I’ve done my PT training and PT courses in Italy and also worked in several gyms in the south of Italy. I love training really hard and continuously learning new training methods.

Educational PT merits

  • Body Building instructor, I & II Level
    MSP (Movimento Sportivo Popolare), Italia
  • Sport nutrition advisor, I & II LEVEL
    MSP (Movimento Sportivo Popolare), Italia
  • Personal trainer EQF, Level 4
    EHFA, (European Health and Fitness Association)
  • Allenatore Personal Trainer FIPE (Italian Weightlifting Federation)
